Horst named Ogle County Fair Volunteer of the Year


At its annual meeting on Saturday, Nov. 9, Ogle County Fair Board President Tom Simpson, presented the Volunteer of the Year award to Lukas Horst.  Lukas was at the fair all week helping with anything we asked of him.  The board would also like to thank everyone who supported and volunteered with the Ogle County Fair this year.  The Ogle County Fair Association Is a Tax Exempt 501c-3 Non-Profit Organization that is totally run by volunteers, so it would not be possible to operate without your help, support, and donations.  Please mark your calendar to attend or volunteer at next year’s fair Wednesday, July 30-Sunday, Aug. 3.  Watch our website and Facebook pages for more information as it becomes available.  Also, if you need space for an event, our fairgrounds are rentable.