Letter: Addressing letter and column


Dear editor,

Wow, Christmas in July.  A guest column and a letter to the editor both in need of serious clarification.  I am referring to the Mr. Harp and Ms. Pottinger’s writings in the July 15 edition of the OCL. Both addressed the same issue – Donald Trump as a threat to our country’s democracy.

The content of their column and letter address only Donald Trump.  Clearly, they are biased and misguided in their views.  Donald Trump isn’t even in the race for the person or group of people doing the most to upend our democracy.  Joe Biden (likely as Obama’s puppet, who might be someone else’s puppet), Kamala Harris, and Biden’s cabinet, coupled with the Democratic Party leaders in congress, have put forth an abundance of anti-democracy policies.

Illegal immigration has skyrocketed under Biden.  The next big step, if the Democrats get their way, will be to make these people citizens of our country, in one fell swoop.  The goal: more voters for Democrats.  This is just one way in which votes are bought in today’s world.  And on a related subject, the Democrats have tried repeatedly to make it legal for non-citizens to vote and will continue to do so.  That way, even if the illegal immigrants do not become citizens, they would still get to vote for Democrats.  None of this is the doing of Donald Trump.

The practice of not requiring proof of ID in order to vote has already taken hold.  A person must show proof of ID in countless situations in order to enter a building, complete a transaction, etc.  The Democrats’ battle-cry: Let’s not require someone to prove they are who they claim they are when they go to vote!  When someone votes illegally, it is the absolute epitome of anti-democracy. It’s called voter fraud.  And the Democratics endorse it, not Donald Trump.

And one last example.  There are constant news stories about elected school boards implementing policies that intend to remove parents from being aware of or involved in their children’s potentially massive life-changing decisions.  This is not just anti-democracy; it is rotten to the core.  Again, Democrats are the culprits.  Not Donald Trump.

I am astonished at the idea that people actually believe that Donald Trump desires to be a dictator, as inferenced by Ms. Pottinger in her letter (“…someone who wants one thing – to become a dictator”).  As I stated in a previous letter to the editor, Joe Biden is a puppet despot and a true threat to our democracy.  He, his handlers, the Democratic Party, and the complicit media want to turn this country into a communist regime (which requires a dictator).  They want 15-minute cities (for those that don’t know what this means, research it… chances are you won’t like it).  They blame whites, especially males, for all that is wrong in the world, thus creating a common enemy within our country.  This is a classic move toward dictatorship.  (For the record, I am a white male.)  They want riots in which people can vandalize, pillage, and steal without fear of retribution, so long as the rioters are Democrats (or Communists or somewhere in between).  They tell you to “follow the science” when it supports their cause (forcing people to wear masks during the COVID-19 pandemic was their mantra, now debunked by science as essentially ineffective) but not when science doesn’t support them (it’s the woman’s body and therefore her choice, even if there is another being of human DNA growing inside of it which is NOT the woman’s body – that’s a scientific fact).  All propaganda practiced by the Democrats.

Today’s Democratic party is largely Authoritarian in nature.  They (because it’s not Biden acting alone) are attempting to ascend to dictatorship by weaponizing the federal government (the Justice Dept., the FBI, and numerous federal Bureaus), that is, by Authoritarianism.  What exactly has Trump done to lead anyone to believe he wants to be a dictator?  He endorses capitalism and an open and free marketplace.  He believes that the citizens of the United States should have higher priority in the eyes of the president and the federal government than should non-citizens.  He believes in helping our country’s allies, but not with unlimited cost.  He wants to protect the rights of unborn humans.  He does not blindly endorse policies that ravage our economy.  He believes in the second amendment civil right of law-abiding individuals to arm and defend themselves, exactly the opposite of what future dictators do.  He does not cower to environmental and climate extremists who, by the way, are also liars and deniers.  (Let’s see an honest, thorough accounting of the climate impact of electric vehicles.  If you haven’t researched this, take a look at the process for mining lithium.  Also, where are all the spent lithium batteries being dumped?  I’m guessing the same folks that are against nuclear power and the subsequent nuclear waste don’t see the irony in endorsing electric vehicles.)  Biden personifies Authoritarianism.  In addition to the topics addressed in previous paragraphs, he wants to eliminate gas-powered vehicles.  Controlling production is a classic first step to instituting socialism, a precursor to communism.  He would love to remove the civil right to self-defense using a firearm by eliminating private ownership and criminalizing self-defense (that alone is a major part of the manifesto to taking over a country).  That darned, pesky Supreme Court thankfully continues to thwart his and the Democratic party’s efforts to do so.  Biden is the wannabe (puppet) dictator, not Trump.

Regarding Mr. Harp’s statements of Trump’s lying and denial of science, I won’t argue that a bit.  But he and Joe Biden are neck and neck in the race for most terrific liars on the planet and therefore the biggest deniers of truth and facts.  Trump generalizes about most things, thereby telling lies since rarely is it true that “everybody” or “nobody” supports or disagrees with something in particular.  Biden simply lies and denies in a different way.  He misstates or misrepresents facts or statistics virtually every time he speaks.  He has also told more grandiose lies about himself than could be counted.  He, his camp, and the Democrat-supporting / collaborative media are all denying there is a problem with his mental acuity (at least up until the debate – now the curtain has been pulled back and there is panic).  If there were ever a case for invoking the 25th amendment, this is it.  But no – Democrats lie and deny, incessantly.

In a nutshell, Biden and Trump are both liars and deniers, not just Trump.  And Biden, not Trump, is the one marching toward dictatorship.  I simply wanted to address some of the incomplete and one-sided claims made by Mr. Harp and Ms. Pottinger.

-Jim Durand, Davis Junction