Dear editor,
Loaves & Fish Food Pantry would like to thank the community for your continued support. With your help, we were able to provide food to an average of 152 families, 376 individuals each month in 2023. That’s an increase of an average of 29 households every month from the previous year! In November we provided 140 Holiday Meals to area families. We also partnered with Northern Illinois Food Bank to host mobile pantries every month from January to October, which provide additional food to our neighbors – about 120 households every month.
We appreciate all the different ways our community helps us! Thank you to the various community organizations and individuals who donate food. Special thanks to the Boy Scouts and post office for organizing community-wide food drives, and to Sullivan’s in Mt. Morris for their fall and Christmas fundraisers for the pantry! And thank you to everyone who contributes financially. We couldn’t do it without your help!
A special thank you to all our volunteers – those who work on pantry days, those who work in the community garden, and those who help unload deliveries of food. We are always looking for new volunteers! If you would like to volunteer or learn more about the pantry, call the pantry phone (815-613-8776).
Loaves & Fish Food Pantry, located at 409 W. Brayton Road in Mt. Morris, is open on the first and third Thursday from 3:30-6 p.m. and second and fourth Monday from 2-4:30 p.m. Anyone experiencing food insecurity is welcome. Transportation is provided to those who need it on the second Monday of every month, free of charge, by calling LOTS and scheduling a ride. If you have any questions, please call or text 815-613-8776, or visit our website at
Our sincere thanks,
-Barb Diehl & Jan Francis, co-directors, and The Loaves & Fish Food Pantry Board