Park District offers childcare


OREGON – August is a busy time for parents with getting ready to get the kids back to school.

The Oregon Park District has you covered for all your childcare needs when school is not in session.

This school year, there are two half days in August for Oregon Elementary School children. Plan ahead and make sure your students is covered for those days.

Friday, Aug. 24 and Friday, Aug. 31 the students will be dismissed from school at noon. Register for our Kids Off the Couch day and your student can walk over to the BHC directly upon dismissal for an afternoon of fun! Bring a packed lunch to enjoy, engage in planned activities, play group games and enjoy an afternoon snack. You may pick up anytime before 6 p.m.

The fee is $10 for residents and $12 for non-residents/half day. Must be registered to attend. Deadline to register is 1 week before the half day scheduled. To register call or visit Nash Recreation Center, 815-732-3101.