OREGON — At its monthly meeting Tuesday, the Ogle County Board heard a presentation made by the Ogle County Economic Development Corporation and unanimously approved the commitment of $100,000 in federal American Rescue Plan Act Funds to the newly-formed organization.
The OCEDC is a nonprofit representing all of Ogle County, its communities, employers and citizens. The entity officially formed in August 2023 to bring a cohesive county-wide economic development effort. Since 2019, more than a dozen communities, utility companies, state and regional economic agencies have come together to make the OCEDC a reality.
The OCEDC is made up of various officials from municipalities and the county. Its officers include Randy Schoon - president (Polo), Darin DeHaan - vice president (Oregon), Paula Diehl - secretary (Mt. Morris) and John Rickard - treasurer (Byron). Each officer represents a community that has pledged startup funds for the new organization. Ogle County and the City of Rochelle have also pledged.
DeHaan made a presentation at Tuesday's meeting on behalf of the OCEDC.
"Every community in every aspect of Ogle County needs to take a look at economic development," DeHaan said. "And what we're asking for is your financial commitment and your commitment as elected officials to start driving Ogle County forward with economic development. We've torn down the barriers of the past and we're all working together."
To start the OCEDC, $300,000 was raised between the county and the five communities of Polo, Mt. Morris, Oregon, Byron and Rochelle. The governing bodies took a formula of each of their federal COVID-19 relief American Rescue Plan Act funds that they received.
The OCEDC is modeled after other economic development public-private partnerships across the country. In northern Illinois, other EDCs include the DeKalb County EDC, Growth Dimensions in Boone County, and the Grundy Economic Development Council.
"I think in Ogle County we need to get on the same playing field as those around us and be competitive and bring developments to Ogle County," DeHaan said. "And that doesn't mean we don't take care of what already exists here. Economic development also has an arm of business retention and support. Those small and large corporations that are already here that provide good-paying jobs, the OCEDC is here to assist them on what they need, such as workforce development and access to federal and state grants."
DeHaan said the OCEDC will need continued financial commitment from the Ogle County Board and the entities already involved in it have committed for at least two years. The OCEDC hired a firm for its search for an executive director and a contract is currently being worked out with a new hire, who was named to a list of 50 top economic developers.
"I think he's ready to go to work for Ogle County and all of our communities and everybody that you all represent," DeHaan said.
Election judges
The board approved an increase in pay for election judges, who work in the county on election days. The state increased the amount it reimburses from $45 to $65. The county pays $185 to election judges. The total will now be $250 paid to election judges.
Road & bridge
The board unanimously approved the appropriation of $248,000 in federal aid matching funds for hot mix asphalt resurfacing on Baileyville and Montague Roads. The project entails a joint funding agreement with the Illinois Department of Transportation.