(Paid letter)
Dear editor,
I fully endorse Dan Janes for the Ogle County Board seat in District 5 for the upcoming March 19 Republican Primary election. Dan has been active in the Ogle County Republican party consistently and reliably for over two decades, both as precinct committeeman and for a significant period as our vice chairman. He is always the first to volunteer his resources and time to assist in our mission and goes above and beyond in all tasks. He’s a proven leader on the Ogle County Board and on our 16th U.S. Congressional district’s Agriculture Committee. His expertise in farming and county government is unmatched, and his presence on every committee he's a member of is invaluable. I’ve known Dan personally for my entire residency in Ogle County (almost 18 years) and can attest to his character and politically conservative values, which are beyond reproach. While my position as chairman of Ogle County Republicans would normally avert me from endorsing a Republican over another Republican in a primary, I make this rare exception based particularly on Dan’s extensive time and dedication to our local party’s various activities over many, many years. Dan exemplifies selfless citizen service, both as a publicly-elected official and in private affairs. Speaking on behalf of myself only, I highly encourage you to vote to re-elect Republican Dan Janes to the Ogle County Board, District 5, on March 19!
-Mike Koolidge, chairman, Ogle County Republicans