OREGON — Murals have been popping up all over the area lately, but the latest one in Oregon took a few extra hands to be truly complete. Dixon-based mural artist Nora Reuter designed and will complete the mural on the Village Bakery building at 101 N. 3rd St. in Oregon, but she had help Thursday morning.
On July 18, several members of the Village of Progress, an organization serving adults with developmental disabilities in Ogle County, assisted Reuter with painting several aspects of the native nature-themed mural on the Village-owned building where adults with disabilities work shoulder to shoulder with a professional staff, learning skills needed for employment, while serving the community breakfast and lunch.
It was always the plan to include members of the Village in the mural’s completion.
“When I first spoke with Brion Brooks, the executive director of the Village, about the mural, he was very enthusiastic,” Liz Hiemstra, who had the idea for the new mural, said. “He also inquired if some folks from the Village could be included. I ran the idea by Nora and she was all for it. It’s been great to see all parties working together to give them this sense of community and accomplishment, but that’s what the Village does every day, They represent some of the best parts of Oregon–caring for each other, working together and keeping the community involved. I’m so happy we could come together on this project.”
Aside from the Village Bakery, the Village of Progress runs a number of programs to give those with intellectual disabilities the chance to interact with their community, earn an income and enrich their lives on a daily basis.