OREGON — The Oregon Woman's Club has painted a stud that will go into one of the latest walls of the latest house in construction by the Ogle County chapter of Habitat for Humanity. The Stud-a-Thon fundraiser is an opportunity for organizations, families, and individuals to contribute to the building of a new home for a family selected by Habitat for Humanity that would not otherwise be able to afford a home of their own.
Studs are available for $200 a piece, three for $500, or 12 for $1,000. Contributors have the opportunity to decorate their stud with greetings and good wishes for the family that acquires the house. The OWC stud was painted with symbols of welcome drawn by club member Maya Shoemaker, an art teacher. She drew outlines of the symbols, and then other club members filled in the drawings and signed their names to the pictures. Since it takes more than 300 studs to complete the home, there are plenty of opportunities to contribute.
Later this summer contributors will be invited to a preview where they can see all the contributed studs have been placed in the home.
For more information on the Stud-a-Thon, see habitatoglecounty.org. For other information about Habitat for Humanity, contact Sheri Anspaugh at 815-222-8869 or sheri.anspaugh45@outlook.com.