Foundation for Focus House awards scholarship


FORRESTON – Forreston High School senior, Mitchell Heinz, was chosen by the Foundation for Focus House Scholarship Committee as the recipient of the F. Lawrence Lenz Scholarship in the amount of $500.

The F. Lawrence Lenz Scholarship Fund was established in April of 2003 by his family following his death. As an Ogle County Circuit Judge, Judge Lenz elected to be the juvenile court judge. In this capacity, he was one of the instrumental supporters of the opening of Focus House in 1975. From the bench, he believed in the value of having community based programs and was an advocate of Focus House until his death. 

Heinz plans to attend Concordia University in St. Paul Minnesota to pursue a career in Criminal Justice. The scholarship committee was impressed with his involvement in extracurricular activities as well as his public service, volunteer work and his work ethic.  The Foundation of Focus House Board of Directors is grateful for the opportunity to award scholarships to deserving students every year and wishes Heinz and the entire class of 2019 happiness and success in their next chapter.