OREGON — The Ogle County Republican Party Precinct Committeemen met in Oregon on Wednesday night, April 17, to hold their biennial County Convention in the old Ogle County Courthouse building’s County Board meeting room. The convention is required by law (10 ILCS 5/7-9) to be held the 29th day after the March General Primary Election and is conducted to elect the officers which will direct the actions of the Ogle County Republican Central Committee for the ensuing two years. The following executive committee was elected:
Chairman: Michael Koolidge, Rochelle. Vice Chairman; Kaleb Kennay, Rochelle. Treasurer: Kevin Colbert, Dixon. Secretary: Aaron Mudge, Oregon.
Re-elected Chairman Koolidge expressed his thanks for the vote of confidence of the assembled precinct committeemen who had voted to retain him in the position as Chairman, which was unanimous, and made the following plea: “We are looking for a few good men and women to help keep Ogle County red, and over time help turn Illinois red, in the form of winning statewide elections again for the Republican party.” There are a number of open precinct committeemen positions to any registered voter in Ogle County who believes in conservatism, liberty, free markets and the U.S. Constitution, according to Koolidge. Precinct committeemen can be appointed at any time by the chairman of the party, and work to help turn out Republican voters in all elections.
Koolidge: “The support the community has shown to the Ogle GOP particularly in the last two years through their contributions, has been extremely encouraging. We even received an anonymous cashier’s check for $5 from a motivated local conservative last week.”
Koolidge also talked about the specific plan the party has embarked upon on since January: “Since we announced we’re jumping full force into the ‘Battle Program’ put together by SURUS Illinois that many other GOP counties are working on throughout the state, great patriots have been coming out of the woodwork to offer their time and efforts to Ogle GOP. We welcome them, and we need even more for the missions that lie ahead!”
The Ogle County Republican Central Committee, which also goes by “Ogle County Republicans” or “Ogle GOP” coordinates efforts to turn out Republican voters in Ogle County. The organization’s website can be found at https://www.oglecountygop.org/ or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/OgleCountyRepublicans .
Chairman Koolidge can be contacted directly at mkoolidge@gmail.com.