Dear editor,
No, I’m not talking about a beautiful sunset, I’m talking about America’s bright shining light of hope and freedom.
As I write this editorial, we have 70 days to stop the intentional destruction of the greatest country in the world. We have 70 days to put aside feelings and get back to simple basics; was your life better in every conceivable way during President Trump’s tenure? 70 days to take the time to investigate on your own whether the propaganda spoon fed to us daily is real or not.
A quick example, several weeks ago an editorial questioned how you could vote for a man who tore children away from their parents and put them in cages. The truth is those “cages” were built under the Obama administration due to a sudden influx of migrants. During President Trump’s first year, there was a huge influx of migrants and the same procedure was used for a similar purpose. Was there an outcry when this occurred during the Obama administration, no, but all hell broke loose when it was used under the Trump administration. Once again, discernment is called for, but so many have lost that ability due to constant mainstream media hatred and propaganda against a man trying to do his best for America. They have done their job well. Even the AP, certainly not a bastion of right-leaning reporting has been quoted that Michelle Obama’s assertion that the Trump administration tore children from their families and threw them into cages alludes to “a frequent and distorted point made widely by Democrats.”
Seventy days left to put policy over presentation, to put love of country over inexplicable hatred for all things orange man bad.
I believe on July 13 God showed his grace toward Donald J Trump for the whole world to see. President Trump is our imperfect vessel to use to redeem our Republic. I also believe that God will show his grace toward we imperfect Americans and save US as well on Nov. 5 but only if we do our job in finding that discernment that has been overtaken by vitriol and voting as if your life depended on it, cause in reality it does.
-Denise Flohr, Byron