The members of the Ogle County Democratic Central Committee made a difference in their community by recently donating a total of $800 amongst eight Ogle County food pantries, an idea that originated during the pandemic as a unique way to celebrate the holiday season together since in person gatherings were not possible. The Ogle County Dems have raised over $3,200 for area food pantries over the last four years. “I am so proud of our members again this year,” said Committee Member David “Skip” Donald said. “Helping people is what the Democratic party is all about.” For more information about the Ogle County Democrats, visit their website at or attend their monthly meeting, which is held on the first Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at the VFW in Oregon. Shown is Donald delivering a donation to Darlene Shafer, treasurer, Polo Lifeline Food Pantry.