Pine Creek 4-H gets new officers


September brought the start of the new 4-H year, and new officers were voted in for the Pine Creek Valley 4-H Club during our outdoor meeting at Oregon Park West, complete with pizza.

The club also participated in National 4-H Week by decorating the front lawn of Knie’s Appliance in Polo. Thank you Knie’s for your support!

October was an awesome month for Pine Creek Valley as we enjoyed kicking off the new 4-H year by spending time together at Tanner’s Apple Orchard, following our meeting.
November’s meeting was held on Zoom as everyone prepared for the holidays. We also took time out to celebrate all county club accomplishments at the annual Achievements Ceremony held in Byron. Our club walked away with Outstanding President, Outstanding Vice President, and Outstanding Leaders Team awards! Thank you to all who sponsor this day for us!
Our club is excited to welcome four new families this year! If your family would like to join 4-H in the Polo area, we invite you to our monthly meeting held at Pine Creek Christian Church on the second Sunday of every month. 
- Submitted by Mason Zabran, Club Reporter