POLO — Commander Cynthia Reynolds, Senior Vice Commander Becky Davis and Adjutant Marddi Rahn of Polo American Legion Patrick Fegan Post #83 delivered Battle Buddy Boxes to local veteran shut-ins and a deployed service member over the holiday season.
A Battle Buddy Box is a box that contains personal, needed and wanted items. These boxes are intended for veterans that enter a hospital for a procedure or sickness, in a nursing home, simply need a pick me up or any deployed member. The program is intended to give veterans a sense there are fellow Americans that still care about their needs and appreciate what they have done for the country.
In December, Reynolds, Davis and Rahn delivered Battle Buddy Boxes to two veterans living at the Polo Rehab and Healthcare Center. They had a lovely visit with one of the veterans and their family. It was much appreciated. The following day, Davis and Rahn visited Pat McPherson at his home and delivered a box and enjoyed time spent reminiscing about previous duty stations and time spent in the military. Reynolds and Rahn also sent off a Battle Buddy Box to one of the American Legion Members who has been deployed over the holidays.
These care packages were a small token of appreciation for the veterans and what they have done for their country. Each veteran appreciated the box but the visit was more meaningful and enjoyable. Polo American Legion Post #83 is grateful to have had an opportunity to honor those veterans and those who still serve.
Polo’s American Legion Patrick Fegan Post #83 meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. at 110 E. Mason St. in Polo. Information on joining the legion or helping with community activities can be obtained through the legion e-mail address at patrickfeganpost83@gmail.com.