STILLMAN VALLEY — The Stillman Valley High School Environment Club has won the Hutchcroft Environmental Youth Award from the Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful Foundation.
Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful (KNIB) is an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, a leading national nonprofit organization which inspires and educates people to take action to improve and beautify their community and environment. The Hutchcroft award is bestowed upon an individual or a group of young people exhibiting a commitment to improving the environment. It is named in recognition of the late former Board President Alan Hutchcroft, who was a professor of chemistry at Rockford University and supported Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful’s mission from the outset as an active volunteer. Elaine Hutchcroft remains a dedicated donor.
Environmental Club Advisor Michelle Rogers said, “The SVHS Environmental Club has worked very hard to promote positive steps to help care for and maintain the environment in our local community.”
The club has participated in many initiatives such as a national soft plastic collection competition which has earned three benches made from recycled plastic for Stillman Valley High School. They have contributed to the collection of over 1,500 pounds of plastic. Other initiatives include cleaning up the streets after the Stillman Valley Fall Fest Parade, community pumpkin recycling and a community Earth Day Challenge.
Club President Storm Hickey said, “The Environmental Club is honored to accept this award graciously given by the Keep Northern Illinois Beautiful Foundation. The students in this club have worked tirelessly to not only keep their community clean, but the planet as well. Thank you to those who have supported and sponsored our club so that we may continue to keep our environment clean.”