The Boone/Ogle County 4-H Livestock Judging Team represented Illinois by placing 9th in the nation among county teams from across the U.S.
The contest was held in conjunction with the American Royal Livestock Show in Kansas City MO. Team members included Kendall Boatman, Ogle County; Kade Boatman, Ogle County; Morgan Richardson, Boone County; and Tyler Lee, Boone County.
The American Royal 4-H Livestock Judging Contest is one of the premier events regarding education and competition for youth involved in livestock evaluation programs. The Boone County team was 5th in beef, 6th in swine, 8th in oral reasons, 10th in sheep/goats, and 9th high team overall.
Individual honors went to Kendall Boatman for placing 5th in beef cattle, 9th in swine, and 16th in oral reasons and overall individual. Morgan Richardson placed 17th in swine, 26th in beef cattle, 28th in oral reasons, and 22nd high individual overall. Tyler Lee ranked 16h in beef cattle, 25h in sheep/goats, and 27th overall. Kade Boatman placed 27th in oral reasons, 38th in beef cattle, and 41st overall. The team was coached by Kathy Richardson of Boone County. Thank you to the Illinois 4-H Foundation and the Illinois State 4-H program for their team sponsorship.