POLO — Avery Faivre was recently named the March Student of the Month at Polo Community High School and received a scholarship from the Polo Schools Foundation for her efforts. She is the daughter of Andy and Amanda Faivre.
Faivre’s extracurricular activities Drama Club, Band, Golf, Student Council and GSA. After high school, she plans to attend Illinois State and major in psychology and play in the Big Red Marching Machine.
Upon winning the award, Faivre filled out a list of questions about her school experience.
What does it take to be a successful high school student?
Hard work, dedication and commitment. You have to be committed to getting good grades and working hard in classes. You also have to be a good person, both to yourself and your peers.
If you could go anywhere in the world for free, where would it be?
Somewhere in Europe, I love the ancient architecture and the history that goes with it.
What is your life’s philosophy?
Why fit in when you can stand out and embarrass yourself!
What class do you find really engaging and why?
There are two classes that I’d say are very engaging for me. Government, because we get into debates over real life issues and it’s cool to see everyone’s viewpoints on them. I’d also say band since you have to be engaged in order to play correctly and on time with everyone else.
What are your two favorite extracurricular, volunteer or community activities you participate in?
I love Drama Club and band. I’ve been in Drama Club since eighth grade and I’m president of it this year! The people in it are so much fun and such great actors and students!
Band technically shouldn’t count since it’s a class, but we do so much more outside of school hours that I thought it should count. I’ve been in band since fifth grade and I played trombone up until the start of junior year which is when I switched to tuba which I love so much!
Please share a moment, group event or activity at school that was meaningful or memorable.
I have so many awesome memories from school, but a really memorable moment for me was when I switched to tuba in band. I had always enjoyed band before I switched to tuba, but once I actually did switch, I realized that band was something I really wanted to continue doing. If I hadn’t made the switch, I would have never found something I really love (playing tuba). As well as never thinking about joining the marching band in college.
What is your hope for the future?
In the future I hope to graduate from ISU with a bachelor’s degree in psychology, and possibly even a minor in music or history. After college, I would like to either get my master’s right after, or work for a little bit and then do some type of online college. I then hope to live in a bigger city and help out teenagers and younger adults with their mental health!