ROCHELLE — Foundation for Focus House recently released the names of three area students that will each be receiving $1,000 scholarships from its 2024 application cycle.
The organization has given out two 1,000 scholarships each year to Ogle County residents or past/current Focus House residents pursuing post-secondary or vocational education that have made a positive change in themselves or their community. A third scholarship was awarded this year.
“We received a record number of Foundation for Focus House scholarship applications this year,” Foundation for Focus House Executive Director Jeni Hardin said. “It was very difficult to narrow it down to just two so this year we added a third scholarship. There were many applicants who not only excel in their education but more importantly, they have given time to volunteering and helping their community. We want to express our gratitude to each and every applicant and encourage them to apply again next year!”
Allissa Marschang is a senior at Polo Community High School and was awarded the F. Lawrence Lenz Scholarship. Allissa plans to attend Iowa State University in the fall, studying engineering.
“We chose Allissa because of her determination and her will to find strength in whatever card she is dealt,” Hardin said. “She has been a youth group leader, volunteered at Kidz Café since 2019, and more. She said that being a kind and caring person ‘is about carrying someone else’s bag when nobody is watching because it makes you feel good to know you are helping someone.’”
As an Ogle County Circuit Judge, Judge Lenz elected to be the juvenile court judge. In this capacity he was one of the instrumental supporters of the opening of Focus House in 1975. From the bench he believed in the value of having community-based programs and was an advocate of Focus House until his death.
Braden Rogers is a senior at Stillman Valley High School and was awarded the LaVerne & Margaret Franklin Adams Scholarship. Braden plans to attend the University of Wisconsin-Platteville to obtain a degree in civil engineering with an emphasis on environment and agriculture.
“We are happy to present this scholarship to Braden who has given back numerous hours to his school and community,” Hardin said. “He was a peer tutor, reading buddy, volunteered at the FFA petting zoo, and more…totally over 150 hours of making our community a better place.”
A longtime resident of Ogle County, Mr. Adams sat on the Ogle County Board from 1972 until 2002. At the time Focus House was established in 1975, Mr. Adams was appointed and served as the chairperson of the county committee that oversaw the operation of the program. Mrs. Margaret Franklin Adams was also very dedicated to the community and the youth at Focus House.
Mya Engelkes is a senior at Oregon High School and was awarded the Foundation for Focus House Scholarship. Mya plans to attend the University of Iowa to pursue her degree in business with a major in business analytics and minor in finance.
“Mya impressed us with her list of extracurricular activities,” Hardin said. “But it was how many of them were dedicated to helping others that made us realize how much she gives back to our community. She actively seeks out opportunities for growth and says she has a dedicated and unwavering loyalty to her community and hopes to leave a lasting impact on everyone she meets.”