MT. MORRIS — The Performing Arts Guild of Mt. Morris is presenting the popular play Love Letters for a second weekend, Friday & Saturday, April 19 & 20 at 7 p.m., and a Sunday matinee, April 21 at 2 p.m. The show is at the Pinecrest Grove Theater, South McKendrie at Evergreen in Mt. Morris. $16 tickets, include a dessert being served at intermission, are available online at or by calling 815.734.2103. Reservations are encouraged.
For the final weekend the part of Andy will be played by Mark Tremble and the part of Melissa will be played by Mary Mead-Cantrell on Friday and Saturday, and by Connie Augsburger on Sunday. Each cast will display their own unique talent and experience to chronicle this lifetime friendship.
The play is being directed by Jeff Bold and produced by Karen Urish.
CUTLINE: Pricilla Osborne and Mark Tremble rehearse before the PAG presentation of Love Letters that opened Friday, April 12. (Photo by Jeff Bold)