STILLMAN VALLEY – Stillman Valley High School students earned over 1,000 hours of college credit last year without once having to leave campus.
Students earned credits in courses ranging from Calculus to Agricultural Mechanics and Technology. Over 85 students successfully completed 313 Dual or Articulated Credit courses and students successfully passed 82 Advanced Placement exams. In totality, 1,185 hours of college credit were earned. Using Illinois State’s tuitionrate (randomly selected state school) SVHS students earned roughly $455,000 of college credit last year.
Stillman Valley High School partners with the College Board, Rock Valley College, and Highland Community College to bring these opportunities to students. Superintendent of School, Dr. PJ Caposey, noted he was appreciative of SVHS’ principal Leslie Showers and her vision for the success.
“Mrs. Showers is committed to working with staff and community partners to provide as many opportunities for success in college and career as possible. These impressive data points are a result of her commitment to pushing forward and to serving our kids,” he said.
Stillman Valley High School’s success is also not dependent on one person or department. College credit hours are available through the English, Science, Social Science, Math, Art, Agriculture, and Foreign Language departments. Stillman Valley High School’s Vision – Empowered to Excel – is embraced throughout the disciplines, which has created a positive, engaging learning environment.
“We are dedicated to ensure that every student at SVHS is connected to college and career opportunities that will enhance their post-secondary pursuits, and our faculty and staff are honored to partner with each student to make this happen,” said Stillman Valley High School Principal Leslie Showers.
The high school’s programs, courses, and teachers draw students to both the dual credit and the Advanced Placement academic arenas.
“Both dual credit and A.P. courses at SVHS are challenging and provide excellent opportunities to bypass general education courses and enroll in core courses earlier in my college career,” said Senior student Olivia Kerr. “Stillman Valley High School does an excellent job of encouraging students to enroll in these courses beginning their freshman year.”