(Paid letter)
Dear editor,
I have known Chad and his family for almost 40 years. I consider him a good friend. As an ordained clergy and Serenity Hospice chaplain, I have worked with Chad as an officiant of many funeral services. Working closely with Chad I've witnessed, firsthand, the true dedication, care and compassion Chad has put forth for the families he has served.
Chad has continually served Ogle County as deputy coroner for the past five plus years to the present. In that amount of time he has gained the support of the other surrounding county coroners which speaks volumes for Chad's background and knowledge of the tasks and duties needed as our county coroner.
As a family man, Chad's Christian values, faith, education, work ethic, and integrity are the credentials that are much needed for the office of Ogle County coroner.
Those credentials are the assurance and essence of how Chad Horner will carry out the duties of our new Ogle County coroner with dignity and honor.
-Rev. David Rogula, interim pastor, Esmond & Lighthouse UMC, Oregon