Letter: Thanks for support at tractor pull


The Forreston FFA Alumni would like to express their greatest thanks for all the support in the past at our annual tractor pull. We also appreciate the understanding from all the fans as to not being able to have the pull this year due to the weather.

We would like to also thank our many sponsors for supporting us: MAD Acres, BVS Diesel, Prairie State Tractor, Forreston Mutual Insurance, Buckshot Ridge Farms and Excavating, M2 Service, Bocker Ruff Grain, Jason Kerr Construction, Helm, Heels and Hardhats Contracting, Compeer Financial, Merit Crane, Heslop Excavating, Johnson Tractor, Area Tree Service, Carrol Service Co, Country Companies Richard Montavan Jr, Inertia Machine Corp, Seward Ag Supply, U.S. Auctioneers, Leaf River Land and Cattle, Martin and Company, Myers’ Farms, Peaceful Storage Custom Bagging Howard Binger, and Troy Wilken.

We could not do what we do without all the support we receive from the above sponsors and the community.

Please keep checking our website, www.forrestonffaalumni.org, and follow us on Facebook to keep up with everything going on. We meet the second Thursday of every month and are always welcome to new members.

Josh Bolen

Forreston FFA Alumni