Dear editor,
Thank you to the Ogle County Board for declaring Ogle County a non-sanctuary county for immigration. Thank you for pledging and re-dedicating our limited resources to the residents in need living legally in Ogle County. Thank you for not buying into the insanity of this state and this country under the current leadership. As descendants of immigrants somewhere along the line, Americans do seek to help those who choose to become a part of what we still hope to salvage of this law-abiding nation by providing a legal pathway to citizenship. After this step of good faith by one seeking to live in America, this country has much to offer people of all nationalities. This is made evident by the fact that people are not clamoring to escape America, but to live here. But freedom is not free. Constant free giveaways that lead to laziness and hopelessness are not what made this once-great nation a historic success and a beacon of the world.
John Quincy Adams, sixth president of the United States, advised: “Posterity: you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it.”
The Ogle County Board has taken a step to restore this admonition of President Adams today.
-Jodi Kielsmeier, Oregon